Shopping for Supplies With Your Clients
As a Professional Organizer, sometimes you will find that your clients need some storage solutions that must be purchased. How would you handle this?
You could shop for the client, and end up purchasing something that they don't like.
Or, you could send them out to purchase something. In that way, they will have something they like. However, they may not make the best selection, because they don't know exactly what to look for. What they come back with might be less than ideal.
So you could both go shopping together. This is a good idea, in my opinion. The only problem is that it can get quite time-consuming for both of you. You might have to hit several different stores, and then might end up going back to one of the earlier stores to purchase something. Then, you might not find anything that both of you are satisfied with.
I have another suggestion -- shop online! If your client has a computer, you can do this right from their home. Or, you can bring your laptop with you to their home. In either case, you can browse the different options available in a short amount of time.
One online merchant that I found very helpful is
So give it a try and see if shopping online saves you time with your clients!
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