
Be Organized--Be Frugal!

By Cyndi Roberts

Being organized plays a big part in the frugal lifestyle. Organization helps save time, thereby helping save money. Here are a few easy to implement ideas to help you be better organized this year.

1. Never pay a fine again for an overdue library book orvideo. Place a large calendar in a convenient place,such as on your desk; I keep mine on the side of myfridge. Then, write due dates on your calendar, alongwith appointments, etc. Check it every morning.

2. Keep a running grocery list in a handy spot inyour kitchen. No more last-minute trips to the storefor just one item!

3. Keep all your receipts in one spot, so when youneed to return an item, you can find the receipt easily.For items like small appliances, tools, staple the receipt to the instruction book.
Keep receipts for car parts that carry a warranty in theglove box of the car.

4. Store items near where you use them. This makessense in every room of the house. ex.- Don't store allyour bathroom cleaning supplies under the kitchensink--keep them in the bathroom!

5. If you don't love it or use it, it's just clutter. Gatherup unwanted or unloved items and have a yard sale.

6. Have a spot near the door where you put your carkeys, lunches, homework, etc.

7. Try to run all your errands for the week on one day.Plan your route so you don't backtrack. You'll savemoney on gas and also tons of time,not running totown every day!

8. Cooking meals is quicker in an organized kitchen--keep your fridge organized and clean. Once a week,clear out leftovers--use them or lose them!

9. Make this your Rule of the House: If you get itout, you put it away!

Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.-Robert Louis Stevenson
Helping you live the good life...on a budget! Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another"bi-weekly e-newsletter and founder of the website of the same name. Visit http://www.cynroberts.com/ to find creative tips, articles, and a free e-cooking book. Subscribe to the e-newsletter and receive the free e-course "Taming the Monster Grocery Bill".

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